Inferosuperior Axial
IR Size: 8x10 CW
SID: 40''
Page #'s: 1:194,56
Pt. Supine
Head, shoulders & Elbow ~3'' above TT
Abduct arm 90° from body
Head turned away
Superoinferior Axial p1:198 can also be done
CR Entrance & Angle:
Horizontally axilla to AC joint; 15°-30° (for arm 45°-90°) medially (>abduction >CR angle)
Eval Criteria:
Slight SI of scapulohumeral joint
Lesser Tubercle in profile; Lesser tubercle & coracoid pointing anteriorly
AC joint, acromion, & acromial end of clavicle projected thru humeral head
PA Oblique RAO/LAO
(''Scapular Y'')
IR Size: 10x12 LW
SID: 40''
Page #'s: 1:199,58
Pt. Upright, if possible
Arm slightly over midline grid
_|_ line Superior Angle to AC joint
CR Entrance & Angle:
_|_ Scapulohumeral Joint
12'' x 1'' past Lat shadow
Best to Determine:
Anterior (subcoracoid) dislocation of.-Humeral head inf. to Coracoid
Posterior(subacromial) dislocation of.-Humeral Head inf. to Acromion
Eval Criteria:
SI of humeral head on glenoid cavity
SI of humeral shaft on scapular body
NO SI of scapular body over bony thorax
NO SI of Acromion & projected laterally
Coracoid possibly SI of projected below clavicle
Scapula in lateral profile